
Version 1 (modified by 1kmoelle, 10 years ago) (diff)



Currently, there are a few thesises concerning the integration of metamodeling in Renew.

Renew Metamodeling Toolkit

Not pushlished yet David Mosteller. (unpublished) Master's thesis, University of Hamburg, Department for Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, 2014.


Not pushlished yet Christian Röder. (unpublished) Diploma, University of Hamburg, Department for Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, 2014.

Agent Technology

Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Modellierung der initialen Wissensbasen und Rollen-Abhängigkeiten in Multiagentenanwendungen im Kontext von PAOSE / MULAN David Mosteller. Bachelor's thesis, University of Hamburg, Department for Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, 2010.



Ein Ansatz zur Dynamisierung von Verteilungsdiagrammen anhand der Entwicklung eines Mulan-Werkzeugs Konstantin S. M. Möllers. (unpublished) Bachelor's thesis, University of Hamburg, Department for Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, 2014.

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