= Settler Settler is a plugin for Mulan based on the famous board game ''Catan'', previously known as ''Settlers of Catan''. == Where to get Settler Settler is currently not part of the official Mulan Release. A version of Renew that includes Mulan and Settler can be downloaded here: TODO: Create a .jar file for settler. == User Guide === Getting Started After downloading, Renew can be started from within the folder with the following command. {{{ java -jar loader.jar gui }}} This opens Renew's GUI. Settler can be found under ''Plugins'' > ''Capa based Applications'' > ''Start Settler''. This will open a new window to name the platform. (This can be left empty.) Confirm the platform name by clicking ''OK''. A new window ''Settler: Start Game'' will open where you can choose the island and the player type. It is advised to choose ''Local Player (JavaGUI)'' to add a local player controlled by the user or ''Local Java Planner'' to add a player controlled by the computer. Afterwards you can start the game with the ''Start Game'' button.