
Version 8 (modified by tgi3, 4 years ago) (diff)



Settler is a plugin for Mulan based on the famous board game Catan, previously known as Settlers of Catan. The version here has been developed as a proof of concept. It demonstrates how to develop distributed applications based on Renew and Mulan by distributed teams. (We were up to 50 people in a student project working concurrently and cooperatively on the implementation following the Paose-Approach.) The current version improves some game features of the earlier versions (see Renew 2.6) and is used as our test case application for the modularization of Renew and Mulan (see Renew 4.0). Settler-with-2.6 Settler-with-4.0

Where to get Settler

Settler is not part of Mulan or Renew. It is an application developed on top of both. A version of Renew that allows to execute the application Settler can be downloaded here:

User Guide

Getting Started

After downloading, depending on your version Renew can be started from within the folder with one of the following commands.

For Renew 2.6 please use:

java -jar loader.jar gui


For Renew 4.0 please use:

java -p .:libs -m de.renew.loader gui

Windows users need to type ';' instead of ':'

java -p .;libs -m de.renew.loader gui

This opens Renew's GUI. At first settler.rnw needs to be opened. The file can be found in the samples/settler/ directory. To start the application click the menu entry under Applications > Capa based Applications > Start Settler. This will open a new window to name the platform. (This can be left empty.) Confirm the platform name by clicking OK. A new window Settler: Start Game will open where you can choose the island and the player type. You can choose between Local Player (JavaGUI) to add a human player controlled by the user and Local Java Planner to add a player controlled by the computer. Afterwards you can start the game with the Start Game button.

Game Rules

There is an initialization phase and the play phase.

Example for the initialization for three players (A, B and C):

A deploys the first settlement on one of the intersections of the hexagonal tiles and attaches a street to it. B can deploy the next settlement with at least one free intersection to the other settlement. Then C, C, B and A deploy a settlement together with the street. For each player the last positioned settlement determines which resources are assign to the players (at the most three). The resources are determined by the kind of tiles surrounding the settlement.

Then the play phase starts with the first player A. Each player can buy streets, settlements or cities with the owned resources. Each bought resource has to be placed adjacent to own existing building or streets. The actions of a player for a turn are:

  • Throwing the dice to receive resources according to the buildings (every player is involved).
  • In case a seven is thrown players have to give away 50% of their resources if the have more than seven.
  • buying resources,
  • exchanging resources (trading; in case a settlement is located at a harbor 1:2 for specific resources and 1:3 for general resources instead of 1:4).

Players gain wining points for settlements (1), for cities (2) and for the longest road (2). The first player reaching 10 points is the winner.

Be aware that only a subset of all rules of the original game are possible. The robber cannot be set, no direct trading, no extra cards are available in the public version here.