= CCPN: Curry Coloured Petri Nets = The Curry-coloured Petri net formalism and its tool set provide the possibilities - to model CCPNs (Curry-coloured Petri nets) with [http://www.curry-language.org Curry] inscriptions in the [http://renew.de Renew] editor environment - to simulate CCPN models - to generate a reachability graph for CCPN models - to integrate the CCPN simulator as a [https://www.haskell.org Haskell] library into Haskell programs While [https://www.haskell.org Haskell] is used as the implementations language, [http://www.curry-language.org Curry] is used as the inscription language. The main advantage is that CCPN inscriptions are side effect free due to the Curry's functional pureness and the control of side effects by its strong type system. Binding searches are based on the highly optimized Curry evaluation environment of the [https://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/kics2 KiCS2] compiler. Here we provide a download for reviewers: [http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/moldt/renew2.6devbase.zip renew2.6devbase.zip] == Prerequisites == - Java Runtime Environment in Version 9 or later - Git == Installation == The CCPN tool set requires two components, Renew with the CurryCPN and the !RefNetReachabilityGraph plugin, as well as the CCPN simulator (includes the KiCS2 compiler). === Renew === This package contains a precompiled version of Renew and the required plugins. To generate the startup scripts for Renew run the `installrenew`/`installrenew.bat` script in `bin/unix` or `bin/win`. === CCPN Simulator === The CCPN simulator has to be compiled manually. The setup script requires Git to clone the CCPN repository and its dependencies. The script uses the Haskell tool [https://haskellstack.org Stack] to download and compile all required Haskell libraries. Stack is automatically installed, if it is not already available. To compile the CCPN simulator and all its dependencies run: {{{ chmod +x setup_ccpn.sh ./setup_ccpn.sh }}} == Running the application == To start Renew with the CurryCPN plugin use the generated `loadrenew` script in `bin/unix` or`bin/win`. == References for CCPN == - Michael Simon. Curry-Coloured Petri Nets: A concurrent simulator for Petri nets with purely functional logic program inscriptions. Master thesis, University of Hamburg, Department of Informatics, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg, April 2018. - Michael Simon and Daniel Moldt. About the development of a Curry-Coloured Petri net simulator. In Robert Lorenz and Johannes Metzger, editors, Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets, Proceedings of the 21th Workshop AWPN 2018, Augsburg, Germany, number 2018-02 in Reports / Technische Berichte der Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik der Universität Augsburg, pages 53–54, 2018. - Michael Simon and Daniel Moldt. Tools for Curry-Coloured Petri Nets. Internal Report 10 pages. (Please contact the authors.)