The WebGateway agent provides seamless integration of Mulan-based agents and Web service technology. Agent services can be provided as Web services, while SL message content is translated to JSON on the fly.
Transformation of Messages
The WebGateway provides the transparent communication for services such as shown in the Export/Diff demo Export/Diff Interface, which is also integrated in the Redmine UI.
The image shows a screenshot of the Mulan Viewer, several net instances and two views inspecting Petri net tokens, displaying them in a UML-alike style.
The Mulan Viewer shows the running Mulan multi-agent system (platform CentralDF) providing services through agents: DF, AMS, WebGateway and Export.
An interaction between WebGateway and Export is currently in action.
Parts of three net instances are shown, the participants of the interaction: Export_export, !WebGateway_sendrequest and !WebGateway_DC_transformation.
The first inspected token is a Web message (HTTP protocol), which is held in the transformation DC in order to match with the (transformated) response arriving from the Export agent.
The response is the other inspected token containing the answer as an ACL message (before transformation) in the Export_export protocol.
Attachments (1)
mulanviewer_export.png (238.6 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
WGW runtime inspection in Mulan using Mulan Viewer, showing several net instances.
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